Is there a God?
Then if so, is he a personal God that has an interest in us, both now and after we die?
Or does he just let us live and then go out like a light?….to most of us God is a very personal God, we see him as our friend, our loyal companion, our voice in the wilderness, our strength and our guide, but how often do we think about how he created this world, this universe.
So many scientists are quite sure that the energy and matter that constitute this universe we live in could not have popped into existence from absolute nothingness. Therefore, they argue, there had to be a greater entity/power outside our material universe that caused it to come into existence. This entity/power is what we call God.
Could this universe have come into existence all by itself?
Go outside on a starry night, look up, look in wonder at the billions and billions of stars, some of them , we’re told, are not even visible with a telescope.
What created this? Did they just create themselves?
Bend down and pick up a leaf, perfection in symmetry, perfection in it’s design……all this points to a master designer, the ultimate director, the Creator God.
From a scientific perspective belief in a Creator God, however that complex notion is understood, offers a powerful incentive to the investigation and appreciation of the natural World, one well known Scientist Alister McGrath put’s it like this “to study nature, is to study God indirectly”
In a way God speaks through his creation, the beauty and the constancy of it all.
He shows his power in many different ways , in forces of nature, the rolling seas, the snow capped mountains, and even a tiny marigold, we also see his power in the strength and skill of humans, in machines of every kind. He reveals his goodness and beauty in all that is lovely and desirable. Through people, through touch , through love and affection…through this we can glimpse something of God’s GLORY.
C.S Lewis puts it like this…
“I believe in God as I believe that the sun is risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else”
God illuminates the great riddles and enigmas of life, including how and why it is that we make sense of the universe at all, above all it sustains one’s sense of awe at the wonders of nature and the wonders of goodness truth and love all around us.
God’s power is limitless, we will never fully understand it all, we only see a small part of God, the rest is mysterious and frightening, fascinating and full of awe…this is God, a HOLY GOD, God’s holiness is encompassing, he has infinite love for all his people, his Majesty and Soveriegnty surrounds the universe, and he cares for each and everyone one of us.
Love belongs to God, God is love, and the true divine embodiment of that love, walked this Earth 2,000 years ago, who revealed God’s love to us all. Every word of Jesus comes to us with the authority of God himself.
We find God’s love and Glory in everyone we meet, everyone is God’s child, we are commissioned by God to treat them as we would treat him. We are to love them as much as we love ourselves.
When you do these things, you will not have to find God, God will find you!
It’s envitable there will times when we will have doubts throughout our life, it’s as if a cloud of unknowing hovers between us and God, then from time to time that cloud is pierced by a shaft of light, so bright, showing us something about God’s love, it maybe a moment of happiness, an experience of real love, or a moment of despair and sadness when we feel his presence, when we feel something lifting us, something so strong it’s far beyond our understanding, but we know it’s there, we know he’s there!
We will never be able to picture fully what God is like, we have to accept that any image we have in our tiny minds is totally inadequate, it will always be too small.
God is more than the sum of all the universe , an immense complexity of all that has been, is and will be.
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